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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/03/2017

The Board of Selectman held a Regular Meeting at 7:30 pm on April 3, 2017 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.

  • Approval of Minutes:
 March 21, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes
Selectwoman Nosal requested the following change to the minutes:
Page 2.
First sentence to read: First Selectman Reemsnyder replied she was not ready to go that route at this time as they are very tied up at this time. The question was regarding the Town’s legal responsibilities for paying for the weed treatment and future obligations and the answer is yes, the Town is responsible for paying for ½ of the treatment.
Second paragraph first sentence to read: First Selectman Reemsnyder invited Mr. Stanley Kolber and Ms. Christina Clayton to address the BOS regarding his request for a nutrient analysis on Rogers Lake. He believes it is long past the time a holistic water shed study and nutrient analysis of Rogers Lake be completed.
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2017 meeting as amended. Motion passed.
  • Communication:  None
3.    Appointments:  None

4.   Old Business:
  • Boathouse Hains Park Improvements
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the season has begun, and students are out on the lake using the boats. The boats will be put outside by the coaches so the students have access until the alarm system is tested and some of the pull stations are removed. This is anticipated to be completed today or tomorrow so the boats can be put back in the boathouse and students can access them, themselves.
They will only be able to use the boathouse during the daylight hours until the battery box for the alarm system is put in place.
In regard to the lease, First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she had put a copy of the final lease in the Selectman’s mailboxes. She met with the Town Attorney, Eric Callahan the Superintendent of Dist. 18, Ian Neviaser, the District’s attorney, Kyle McClain and Bob Dunn, Chairman of Parks & Rec. They were able to review the lease point by point with only a couple of changes left. Everyone was able to ask questions and address concerns right then. Ian Neviaser reported they are still working on the agreement between the school district and the Old Lyme Rowing Association and are making good progress. They will share with the document with the BOS once they have a completed agreement.
She asked the BOS to review the lease and let her know if they have any questions.

  • Rte. 156 Bikeway/Sound View Improvements
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported work has started up and B & W paving is preparing the upper half of Hartford Ave. on the west side for the drainage basins to be put in and another section of sidewalk has been poured.
There were a couple of hiccups with a private fence that was installed on Town property that needed to be moved and some mud issues that were solved with plywood being put in place to make a safer walkway for access.
First Selectman Reemsnyder reiterated that it is a pleasure working with Ed Steward from WMC, he is quick to respond to emails, concerns, etc.
She also reported she received the Construction order today (change order) to add the 320 additional feet of piping to connect all of the drainage basins on the east side of Hartford Ave. almost down to the end of the street and connecting them to the central basin. The total cost will add $25,600 to the projects costs and is covered by the contingency. She also noted that they have saved some money by not moving some other drainage basins. The Sound View improvements committee has reviewed the changes and had all of their questions answered and approved the change. This has been submitted to B & W paving for the pricing and has also been submitted and approved by DOT.
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to approve the Construction Order in the amount of $25,600 for the Sound View Improvement Project. Motion passed.
Selectman Sibley noted the Towns responsibility will only be 20% of the additional costs.
Selectwoman Nosal added that B & W paving has been working steadily all week and the drainage is completed up to Bocce Lane and they have all also poured another section of sidewalk. They will continue work, weather permitting and they will work on Saturdays if need be to get caught up.
The next construction meeting is scheduled for Friday at 1:00pm at Town Hall and the next  committee meeting is Monday, April 24th at 4:00pm at the Town Hall.

  • Administrative Order/WPCA Update
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she attended the WPCA meeting on Wednesday night and they were discussing doing outreach and education for all the residents down in the beach area.
Both of the current work projects are ongoing, the first is the submission of the plan to DEEP, which has resulted in a few minor comments from DEEP, and the submission of the EIS, which is forthcoming. The second is the Well Evaluations for Hawks Nest Beach monitoring wells. First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she received an email today from a resident who reported seeing a surveyor who misinformed the resident of why they were there. The Chairman of the WPCA responded to the email and clarified for the resident that this was for the well evaluation and not sewers.  
Selectman Sibley suggested perhaps they could get some information/communication out to the Hawks Nest Residents to eliminate miscommunication, similar to what was done for the Sound View project.

  • Discussion on beach grants for FY 2018
First Selectman Reemsnyder reported the Beach Grants committee has developed a formula to award private beaches, beach grants (formerly stipends) to assist with covering the cost of security (not to exceed 50% or their actual expenditures) due to the influx of people on their beaches. She gave an overview of the formula and has given each of the selectmen a copy of the packet for FY’s 2017 & 2018 beach grants. She also added that any funds not used by a beach due to costs are divided up among other beaches.  Oakridge Beach Association has applied for a grant this year and does meet all of the qualifications. She also added that the first payment is made to the beaches on July 1st and the second payment is made January 1st, so they can adjust the second payment if actual costs differ greatly from budgeted costs,  ex. Miami Beach.
The BOS also discussed the possibility of using actual costs instead of budgeted costs and First Selectman Reemsnyder stated she will pass this idea onto the Finance Director to see if this will work.
A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to accept the formula that was submitted and include Oakridge Beach Association as one of the recipients of the Beach Grant for FY 2018. Motion passed.
  • No Smoking Policy
First Selectman Reemsnyder reminded the selectman of their conversation at the last meeting and highlighted some of the areas the Town attorney had pointed out from her review of the draft No Smoking Policy they had submitted to her.
The highlights included; noting the state statutes; policy vs. ordinance; working conditions of employees; reaching out to the labor attorney to see if there is anything that needs to be addressed; enforceability and educating employees.
The BOS discussed beginning with the policy and pursuing an ordinance in the future (begin working on this now and bring it to a Town Meeting when ready); designated smoking areas in parks and town buildings (25 feet away from buildings); signage; and adding to the employee handbook.
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to accept the Town of Old Lyme No Smoking Policy as proposed by the Town Attorney. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to amend the above motion to accept the Town of Old Lyme No Smoking Policy effective May 1, 2017. Motion passed.

5.  New Business:
  • Budget Update/Hearing Date
First Selectman Reemsnyder began by thanking the BOF and all the various departments for all of their hard work on the FY 2017/2018 budget. She gave an overview of the proposed budget and highlighted the key points including; The Total Grand List is up by 0.05%; the Collection rate is 98.25%; the net taxable Grand List $1,547,560,833; the Tax Requirement is $33,545,266 an increase of 2.6%; after adding in Tax Relief for the elderly, Volunteer tax abatement, Ryefield & Lymewood tax abatements, the total is $33,656,166 with an increase of 2.61%. This is based on the school budget (based on the average # of students who attend on Oct. 1st and April 1st) and the Town budget; The Mill rate will increase by 2.57% , which will onlyg increase by about ½ mill because the BOF has approved utilizing $800,000 from the surplus.
First Selectman Reemsnyder added the Chairman of the BOF will present the budget in a much more thorough presentation at the Hearing scheduled for April 17th at 7:30pm.
The selectmen added that considering the state of the State Budget and it’s possible impacts, they agree they have come up with a good budget while remaining conservative. They also commented on how hard departments have worked to cut and save costs where they could.

  • New Resident Trooper
First Selectman Reemsnyder announced they have a new Resident Trooper. Her name is Trooper Kazimera Morse and she will begin on April 14th.  Trooper Morse was hired as a State Trooper in 2014 and is a resident of Branford, she holds a Master’s Degree from the University of New Haven in Criminal Justice/ Forensic Psychology and a BS in Sociology from Assumption College. Her previous work experience includes being a Clinical Program Manager for a residential rehabilitative group home.
First Selectman Reemsnyder is hoping she will be able to introduce her at the next BOS meeting and will begin to schedule meetings to discuss and plan for summer 2017.

  • Mile Creek Road Bridge over Black Hall River Public Info Meeting
First Selectman Reemsnyder reminded the BOS that the State of CT has downgraded the Black Hall River Bridge condition to poor and now needs replacement instead of repair. This does however qualify the Town for State Local Bridge funding if it is available.
There will be a public information meeting on April 18th at 7:00pm at the Town Hall. The engineers will be present with the designs and able to answer any questions. The work will not be done until FY 2019 and will be put in the budget for that year. She also noted that the road will be closed for a period of time while the work is being completed, but there will be detours put into place.

A motion was made by Selectwoman Nosal, seconded by Selectman Sibley, to add item d. Sound View Commission to the agenda. Motion passed.

  • Sound View Commission - Discussion
First Selectman Reemsnyder acknowledged she was in receipt of a list of recommendations made by the Parking lot review sub-committee to the Sound View Commission. She read the list of recommendations including; rangers be assigned to the quad and continuously circle checking the Town lot, street parking and private parking lots and report any and all violations; 3 rangers checking coolers on Hartford & Swan Ave.; Private Parking lot owners should have a contact number in case an issue arises and they need to be contacted; 2 officers be assigned late mornings through 6:30/7:00pm; 2 officers be positioned at 4:00pm by the stop signs on Portland and Swan Ave. and Portland Ave. and Bocce Lane; Police officers patrol parking lots later in the evening and all cars left in the Town lot after 9:00pm be towed; The Town provide private parking lots with blue & green garbage cans to assist in keeping the beaches clean; moving the kiosk in front of the Community Center moved down to the Town lot next to the one currently in place as there is usually a very long line waiting to use the one already there; have police and rangers patrol continuously to maintain a high visual presence.  Additional considerations included; parking lots to have open and closed signs; posting no alcohol permitted; parking lots to be monitored at all times and have a contact number available when lot is open; business lots be subject to the same rules as private lots.
First Selectman Reemsnyder commented that some of these recommendations are reasonable but scheduling Police officers at specific times and places can be challenging due to schedules and the need to answer police calls for accidents, etc..   She also added she would share this with the new Resident Trooper to assist with planning for the upcoming summer.                                       
The BOS went on to discuss the importance of an increased police presence especially on the weekends; updated signage and additional garbage receptacles; locking the Town parking lot; towing of illegal parked cars; relocating the kiosk in front of the Community Center.
They also discussed the status of hiring part time police for the summer. First Selectman Reemsnyder reported interviews have been done and background checks, polygraph tests and physicals are in process.

6.   Public Comment:
Frank Papalardo, Chairman of the Sound View Commission shared with the BOS that the recommendations were made by a sub-committee and the SV Commission has not had a chance to fully vet it and he is sure there will be additional recommendations added as well. He feels the residents are looking for town support in backing them up when addressing incidents that occur. Everyone agrees a stronger police presence is needed to assist in decreasing the behaviors they have seen over the last couple of years. Mr. Papalardo let the BOS know they would receive a revision of the recommendations with additions from the SV Commission in the next couple of weeks. He also added he looks forward to working with the new Resident Trooper.

7.   Other Business:
First Selectman Reemsnyder reminded the Selectmen she had mentioned at the last meeting that the Solid Waste and Recycling Committee has submitted recommendations for changes in the ordinance. She pointed out that the ordinance is old and out of date in regards to referring to the “Director” and sorting waste and recycles. She asked the Selectmen to review this and she will put this on the next meeting agenda to discuss further.

First Selectman Reemsnyder mentioned that on Friday, March 31st they raised the Donate Life Flag in front of Town Hall in honor of April being Donate Life month. This has been done for the last three years in honor of a local father’s request after his daughter passed away and her organs were donated. First Selectman Reemsnyder had an organ recipient help raise the flag and he brought two other donors he knew with him to help raise the flag. It was a heartwarming ceremony and they will continue to do this as a community each year in support of organ donation and “Donate Life”.
Selectwoman Nosal added that she has also attended the ceremony over the last four years and is very impressed with the growth and support of the community.
Selectwoman Nosal asked if they could get an update on the Blight group’s progress. First Selectman Reemsnyder reported she had a conversation with zoning enforcement today on where they left off. He has what he believes is a good Blight Ordinance they can start to talk about.

8.   Executive Session: None    

9.   Adjournment:
A motion was made by Selectman Sibley, seconded by Selectwoman Nosal, to adjourn at 9:15 pm. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Broedlin